What Are the Digital Humanities?

In his article “What Is Digital Humanities and What’s It Doing in English Departments?” from the Debates in the Digital Humanities volume, Matthew Kirschenbaum turns self-reflexive. He notes that the definitional essay is already a DH sub-genre. You can easily track down the genealogy for the term “Digital Humanities,” and a google search will lead to a satisfactory Wikipedia definition. First and foremost, Digital Humanities is a branch of the humanities with a common methodology, namely the intersection of computing and humanities.


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What is a Digital Humanist?

Over the next couple of weeks, I’m going to be reading through the list of resources found here on the Digital Humanities. For each source, I hope to write a summary and the start building some work around the lessons I’m learning.

The first entry today summarizes Matthew Gold’s introductory essay, “The Digital Humanities Moment” from the book Debates in the Digital Humanities.


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