Interpretive Paradigms

The understanding we acquire through reading of literature can help us make sense of human actions, just as an understanding of human behavior is essential for a deep appreciation of literature.

From Literature Through the Eyes of Faith

In the quotation above, Roger Lundin and Susan Gallagher make the point that interpretation is fundamental to human life. God made a meaningful, significant universe so our lives, not just our experiences with books, are sense-making endeavors.

We call a coherent interpretive framework a PARADIGM or MODEL, and as I teach my intro to literature course this spring, I will be asking the questions below. Each pertains not just to reality but to the fictional worlds we read.

  1. What is the most fundamental reality in the world?
  2. How do human beings fit into that reality? 
  3. What are the most important rules of that reality?
  4. What are the consequences of following or breaking those rules?
  5. What kind of future does the world hold?
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