How You Know You’re Learning

The Problem

I’m reading Thomas Hoby’s translation of The Book of the Courtier, the first English translation of Baltasare Castiglione’s Italian Renaissance manual. In his prefatory letter to Lord Henry Hastings, Hoby explains why he’s decided to print his translation.

And he said wel that was asked the question, How much the learned differed from the unlearned. ‘So much’ (quoth he) ‘as the wel broken and ready horses, from the unbroken.’ wherfore I wote not how our learned men in this case can avoide the saying of Isocrates, to one that amonge soundrye learned discourses at Table spake never a woorde: ‘Yf thou bee unlearned, thou dooest wiselye: but yf thou bee learned, unwyselye,’ as who should saye, learnyng is yll bestowed where others bee not profited by it.

In this passage, Hoby articulate the distinction between those who are learned and unlearned. What exactly is it? Continue reading “How You Know You’re Learning”