Temples and Hearts

And chiefly Thou O Spirit, that dost prefer
Before all Temples th’ upright heart and pure,
Instruct me, for Thou know’st…

Paradise Lost, Book I, 17-1

Because I begin my Brit Lit I survey with Beowulf and end it with Paradise Lost, I like to have students think about two different kinds of epic: grand stories of external and internal action. While Beowulf features climactic battles with hellbeasts and dragons, Paradise Lost offers us two human beings deciding whether or not to eat a piece of fruit.

Continue reading “Temples and Hearts”

Mr. Church

This past Sunday morning, I was Mr. Church. I attend a pretty big Methodist church in Summerville, and I was the lay liturgist for the 8:45am service. That meant I explained and read the Old Testament lesson for the day, offered the corporate prayer, gathered and prayed over the tithes and offerings, and even gave the closing benediction. Then I walked over to the Sunday School wing of the church facility and taught Sunday School to a class of 30+ people.

And I did a good job. The pastor complemented my prayer from the pulpit. A couple of class members pulled me aside to thank me for the Sunday School lesson.


Spiritual mission accomplished. Continue reading “Mr. Church”