None of them is, “What does it mean?”
Continue reading “Three Questions to Ask When You Finish a Novel”Who’s Responsible?
If you’re a leader, Jocko Willink and Leif Babin’s book Extreme Ownership has the answer.
Continue reading “Who’s Responsible?”Two Types of Readers: Which Are You?
Hint: it has nothing to do with taste.
Continue reading “Two Types of Readers: Which Are You?”The Secret of Doing Well in Writing Courses
It should be obvious, but it isn’t…
Continue reading “The Secret of Doing Well in Writing Courses”10 Observations from a Week of In-Person Teaching in the Age of Covid-19
- I have a good memory for names and faces, yet I recognize 33% fewer people because of their masks. Conversely I’m almost positive that if my new students took off their masks, I couldn’t recognize half of them.
- I teach four of my five classes with students attending virtually and in-person…simultaneously. It’s hard to develop any classroom rhythm.
- Wearing a mask for five hours a day is significantly different than wearing a mask for thirty minutes a day.
- The day-long mask becomes a veritable smorgasbord for the senses.
- My students have been routinely gracious and flexible.
- Take the regular push and pull of energy and enervation that accompanies classroom teaching. Then multiply it times one hundred.
- Tech is fickle, so I will always bring a backup plan…and the phone number of our IT desk.
- Logical validity flies over my students’ heads, but it flows over a lot of people’s heads.
- The students who are here want to be here. The best ones want to learn while they’re at it.
- This semester is going to be a marathon, not a sprint. Yet, I get the sense that we’re going remote before it’s all over. That means I better sprint while the sun’s out so I’ll have less road to travel once it goes down.
God remains good. All the time. I am glad to have a job, and I am glad that job is teaching.
ENGL 1003 Learning Objectives
Every syllabus I give my students includes course objectives. Here I work through the six objectives for ENGL 1003: Composition and Rhetoric I.
ENGL 1003 Course Description
I teach two sections of this course every fall.
ENGL 1003 Syllabus Overview
Reading Worksheets
My students don’t take reading quizzes. They complete reading worksheets. This vid explains the worksheet’s requirements.
Do THIS Not THAT: Quotation Analysis
In this continuing series, I provide concrete dos and don’ts for a variety of writing and reading practices.