
Every class this semester, I’ve handed my students a daily worksheet with a space to write down three gratitudes.

Then, we’ve actually started each class by closing our eyes and focusing on the gratitudes as a way to attune our hearts to God’s goodness.

It’s been personally beneficial and has offered a segue into prayer before every class. More than that, it’s helped focus me for the fifty or seventy-five minutes I have with my students.

At times this semester, I wonder whether it’s benefiting my students.

This morning, I received this email from a student in my comp class.

I…ran across this [article link] on the internet. I thought it was so cool since we do gratitudes every morning in your class which has become a habit for me personally. Now one of the most successful women in the world is doing daily gratitudes like we do here at SWU in Central, SC…
So Cool!

Yes, it is. Needless to say, it made my day before my day even began.

God is incredibly good and certainly worthy of me giving thanks.